A message on COVID-19

After the Prime Ministers recent broadcast about the growing, and very real, concerns about the spread of COVID-19, we wanted to address how this may change the way that we work, until we can all get back to normality.

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The Let Ready team on the whole, may be working reduced hours or from home. If you’d like to know when we’re available or have a chat about anything at all, don’t hesitate to give us a call and ask away. We’re still here to talk through any questions, queries or concerns that you might have at this time.

We also understand that this is a challenging time for businesses of all industries as our world has temporarily stopped spinning. Again, we encourage people to look at guidance for employees, employers and businesses and support options that may be available to you. There has also never been a better time to ensure you’re not over-paying business rates, and we can assist you with this too – just get in touch.

We will continue to encourage people to follow the NHS guidelines to the letter, to ensure the safety of yourself and others, at this unprecedented and surreal time. As a provider of beautiful workspace it hurts us to this this – but #stayhomestaysafe. We will be here waiting for you, with open arms, to welcome you back when we have reached safer times.

The Let Ready team remains passionate about providing you with inspiring, welcoming and innovative places to work, meet, eat, exercise, master your own wellbeing inside and out, and conduct successful business. Stay updated here. We are all in this together, and we will get through it the same way too.

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