Are you ready for the new normal?

Next to 'you're on mute' and 'unprecedented times', this must be the top phrase of the last year! We've all been debating what our 'new normal' will look like as a society; how and when we'll be able to shop like we used to, drink and dine like we used to - and when we're all allowed, what new gigs and festivals will look like!

Read up on the benefits of workspace and how to make your successful comeback.

A big part of how we move forward is how we work together too. Not only what hours and days of the week that will be, but what environment this will be in, from the commute to the office to what in-house team numbers are there on our arrival.

Here are our top points on how we think we can help you prepare; things that have always been integral to the way work and so are built into all of our workspaces… It’s time to dress from the waist down, we’ve missed you!

You can’t be left on mute in the office.

Talking to yourself for 30 seconds whilst people are looking at you like a little goldfish, because you muted your speakers to eat some toast 5 minutes ago? Exactly. Our buildings have fibre broadband connections too, so no robotic voices or pixelated faces in sight!

Peace of mind included.

The COVID clause within our leases comes as standard for all new lettings. This offers a rent free period should another wave of the pandemic hit the UK and ‘stay at home’ government restrictions are in place. One less thing for you to worry about.

Move from Teams to your Team

Whether you're a wallflower or the life and soul of the party, this one point has affected us all - little to no social interaction! This hasn't been the same for some time now and many, many people have gone full days without seeing another human face. Whether you want to opt for a rota system, hot-desking, or get the whole gang back in like it's 2019, you have 24/7 access to work how best suits you. Our buildings also have rolling event programmes so you can build your team morale and have some fun!

Space out and relax.

Our workspaces all have their own front door, private kitchen and large desks to allow for social distancing within the office. You won't need to worry about using communal cups and dishwashers either, the space is entirely yours.

Keep it clean…

Sanitiser stations on us! It's the new, 'buying the first round'. All of our locations have sanitiser points upon entry and exit, as well as social distance markers throughout all of our communal areas, to make the space work for your team.

Your journey.

Last but not least, the commute in to work will be a lasting change for lots of us. Some who chose to drive in 5 days a week before, may now cycle or jog in for only 3. So make them count! All of our buildings have showers and locker facilities to make this easy for you. We also have cycle stores and spas so that you don't have to live with punctures. Some of our newest spaces even have cycle in ramps so you can pedal from path to shower within seconds!