Locking Down Bank Holiday Plans

With so many Bank Holiday weekends on the horizon over April and May, we've been brainstorming ways that we can still have fun even with the pubs shut. There are so many things you can do - no matter where you're based - and still make the most of the 4 day weekend!

Other inspiration where you can cycle about, or order something in!

Just because we’re still having to stay at home and stay safe, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of your daily exercise and take advantage of local walks and trails, bike rides or cycle paths, and even test your green fingers with a bit of gardening (if the sun is shining, of course). There are many options too for you to enjoy your extra days off, online with friends or even at home solo.

Go on holiday... in your garden.

Weather permitting, what’s stopping you from spending a night under the stars?! Best of all, you can pop in for a shower at any point and you're not far from the creature comforts of home if we have any April showers. Be bold!

Bake off!

Whether it's a virtual competition amongst friends, scoring points against your housemates or - the best option - baking solely for yourself and getting to lick the bowl, bake some sweet treats. We aren't opposed to savoury creations either!

Virtual pub quiz

Get your diaries out and book in a virtual catch-up with family and friends. You can be your own barman, bring your own snacks and of course, treat yourself to a lock in afterwards! Jay's Virtual Pub Quiz is great and plays weekly on Facebook & YouTube, and there are quizzes on Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8pm to fill your BH evenings and test your knowledge!


Lucky Voice is one of the UK’s most popular karaoke chains. Where their bars around the country are currently closed, you can still sing along online. A monthly subscription includes over 9,000 songs, the ability to queue up songs to sing along to and some ready-made playlists, too.

Stretch for the NHS

At 10am on Monday 13 April, Hotpod Yoga will stream the (fingers crossed,) world’s largest yoga class to raise money for the NHS! The goal is for 125,000 to attend. If all of those people gave just £1, that would be £125k to use in the fight against coronavirus.


A springtime BBQ? British classic. Speaking from personal experience, the earliest I have smelt the the glorious combination of white spirit, coal and Richmond sausages is in February. It doesn't matter how many people live in your house - even if you have a virtual get together with friends or family - you know it'll be good. Burgers, sausages and alcohol for one? Sold.