A Helping Hand

The on-site Life teams, as well as dedicating time to making tenant’s lives easier and healthier, have each nominated a local good cause. This means we're partnering with an independent charity within your community and will be fundraising or collecting clothes, food or toiletries to provide a helping hand to those in need.

Pop in for a coffee when you're close by, and see how you could help to make a difference too.

Alpha in Birmingham is partnering with a homeless charity, Bristol and Kirkstall Forge with the local food bank while the team at Westminster Place has been raising thousands of pounds for Safe and Sound Homes (SASH), a local charity dedicated to tackling homelessness.

The initiatives are firmly embedding those who work in our buildings within their local communities and it provides a great way for our tenants to interact with one another.

Further information is available on the dedicated Life App, which is designed to enhance collaboration, be it fundraising, attending events and

classes, booking meeting rooms, arranging lunch or dry cleaning to getting discounts at local shops and activities.

Life is designed to achieve a simple goal; to create an office environment where occupants can be happier and healthier. And, during the pandemic it has become all the more important to support those in need so the life teams, and building tenants, can feel all the more proud of their efforts.

Get in touch if you’d like to find out more!