Back to school… and work!

New shoes? Bag? Anyone got a pen? September marks the start of the new school year, and for the ones among us where school is a distant memory, it still marks the end of many of of our summer holidays and the start of something new!

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Take a look at our ways to beat those summer blues and enjoy the start of the end of the rest of the year. So, set your alarm, don’t be late… and pay attention!

Dates in the diary

Book things to look forward to and kick those summer blues to the curb. We don't want to wish our lives away, obviously, but Christmas isn't far away! Booking time in with friends, having nice meals out, the odd massage to look forward to can help you keep your summer mood and glow!

Check your timetable

Plan your days back. After a holiday away or just having some time off at home, it's easy to come back to 300 emails and feel overwhelmed. Schedule in time for each task in your diary so as not to get overbooked. Prioritise, organise and attack the day!

Don't forget your lunch!

Cheese sandwiches, a banana and a wagon wheel? Though a classic, times have moved on a little since we were small! Make sure to grab yourself a healthy lunch and NOT to work through - get a proper break. Fruit, seeds and berries are also great for snacks, full of antioxidants and will keep you focussed on the day ahead.