Starting a company in Edgbaston

Location location location, great mantra for buying a house, but wait.. it's also extremely wise when thinking about where to base your business or work space. London is saturated and extremely pricey, the North is much cheaper much further away from everywhere else. Then you have that bit in between, The Midlands.

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By far the largest British city outside of London, Birmingham is a prime location thee days for setting up shop. Many large high street shopping and food & drink chains are coming to the Second City. Not to mention huge financial corporations such as Lloyds Bank and HSBC’s UK headquarters. There are government departments like HMRC locating from the capital to Brum.

All this increase in footfall is encouraging local independents to open bars, restaurants and shops where once there were very few.

So what is the big appeal?

Well there are various factors which make Birmingham a very attractive location for businesses large and small to base themselves.

For starters it has one of the youngest populations in Europe with some of the very finest educational institutions, think University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, various medical training centres to accompany the vast Queen Elizabeth Hospital

and the UK's main military hospital and cultural hubs namely the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham Royal Ballet and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. All these great institutions pump out some great potential with regards to employees.

There is a plethora of nightlife as with any other city but Birmingham really has undergone a renaissance the past decade or so, with regards to food and drink, boasting no less than six Michelin starred restaurants. So that's that covered then! It is no coincidence that the West Midlands has much lower rent for office space than London and properties can be purchased at a fraction of the cost daa'n saarf! However, possibly the biggest driving factor behind so many up and coming businesses choosing Birmingham as their prime location for head quarters and office space, has to be the just that, the city's location. Full stop.

Brum sits in the very heart of the Midlands, but also perfectly placed to reach both the North, West, East and South of the UK quickly and cheaply. Travel time must be taken into account when driving for meetings or bringing together staff in one convenient office. So many companies realise the benefits of relocating to Birmingham because of it’s central position.

Backed up by location is the fact this city is also at the heart of the national travel network. With the M5, M6, M50, M42, m54 and M40 motorways all within easy reach it's a no-brainer if you love your motor. For trains the city is served by one of the busiest national rail hubs at New Street Grand Central, with connections literally to every part of mainland Britain,

not to mention Snow Hill and Moor Street with more local regional connections. Buses are big here too, with a busy National Express hub in Digbeth and this is not forgetting one of the busiest airports at Birmingham International the city really is unbeatable for connectivity to the rest of the UK.