• Size

    20 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready GO

Alan Gilkison, Managing Partner, Ryden

“Onyx was consistently the top of the list when we started our property search. The move itself was very straightforward it only took a week thanks to the team on site”.

Ryden, Glasgow

“What we find is most people are very happy coming in. There is significant raise in the face to face meetings since we moved. The credit largely goes to the environment that was created for us and the building itself”.

"The café onsite has helped create a sense of community in the building and opens us up for networking with people from other companies"

Let Ready Custom provided

  • Configured workstations
  • Superfast connectivity
  • Bespoke boardroom
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Multi-use breakout space
  • Fully customised interiors and fittings