• Size

    30 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready GO

“We signed the lease on Friday, told the team over the weekend and moved in on the Monday.”

“The quality of a space is very important to us as a business. We want the office we occupy to be reflective of our brand. We are very collaborative as a company so those spill out spaces and co-workings spots are imperative”.

Eden Planning, Jackson House, Manchester

Everything was provided without exception, even down to the dish cloth. We brought our laptops and our monitors and that was us moved in.

''We're very collaborative and like engaging as a business, with our stakeholders and with our team. The space we occupy has to be able to have those spill-out spaces, those different types of rooms for different conversations.''

Let Ready GO provided

  • 30 configured workstations
  • Superfast broadband
  • Private meeting room
  • Kitchen & breakout space