• Size

    220 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready Custom

Spokesperson, Equifax

“It was time for a transformation when we planned our move from Fletcher Gate. Our new workspace needed to be contemporary and vibrant, helping to retain and attract the best talent”.

"CEG has delivered a turnkey office solution for debt management experts, Equifax at East West in Nottingham".

Equifax, East West, Nottingham

“We love East-West; it offers fantastic amenities such as the café bistro, break-out spaces and cycling facilities and is within an easy walk of the city centre. CEG was able to custom design a full turnkey solution designed and delivered to our brief, and the team are already really enjoying working in such a fantastic space”.

Let Ready Custom Provided:

  • Configured workstations
  • Superfast connectivity
  • Bespoke boardroom
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Multi-use breakout space
  • Fully customised interiors and fittings