• Size

    60 Desks

  • Location


  • Package

    Let Ready Custom

Greg Atkin, CFO, Quorum Cyber

“We wanted a space to move into quickly and at the same time we wanted it to be customised and personable to our brand”.

"Our office location is very important to us. We have costumers all over the world and having the train, tram and Edinburgh airport close by really works for us".

Quorum Cyber, Verdant, Edinburgh

“We are  very fast growing young company. The conversations with CEG were very sensible about how we structure a deal so that it is a win win situation for all involved”.

Let Ready Custom provided

  • Configured workstations
  • Superfast connectivity
  • Bespoke boardroom
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Multi-use breakout space
  • Fully customised interiors